Frequently asked questions.
Frequently asked questions
Do I need to bring my instrument with me? You will need to bring your instrument with you unless you are a pianist or drummer. There are good pianos and drum kits.
How about amplification? PA systems will be provided for singing classes, workshops, jam sessions and evening concerts. The Summer School provides a PA in every room. We can also provide amplifiers for bass and guitar but you will need provide advance notice. Singers are should bring a mic and lead.
Do I need to bring a music stand? If possible, yes please.
What else should I bring? It will be helpful to bring fake books and manuscript paper.
Singers will find it helpful to bring parts for songs which are not in fake book keys. Ideally this should be a lead sheet, but could be a chord chart, written out for trumpet and saxophone as well as the regular key.
Does the course include individual lessons? Sadly not… individual lessons, although there are group tutorials. Our tutors are exceptionally experienced and will provide instrument-specific advice. There will also be frequent reference to individualised practice strategies and input regarding follow-up work after the course including recommendations to good 1:1 tuition throughout the UK and many other countries. You will have a lot of fun but we also take the educational aspect of summer school very seriously!
I'm a jazz newbie. Will I be able to come? Of course, jazz newbies are welcome! The course is immensely supportive and our very experienced team will assist you with plenty of ways to get going and acquire some confidence. However, please be mindful that you will need some instrumental technique and you will need to know and play your major and minor scales - this plus a sense of adventure and enthusiasm! It will be hard to enjoy the course if you are an absolute beginner on your instrument. If in doubt, we advise that you discuss this with your 1:1 teacher at home, or write to the summer school directly. we can provide advice in the phone.
I am very experienced - how about me? Of course. Although the summer school is very much a community and welcomes all, we recognise that every student has their own individual needs and hopes. We plan carefully to stimulate and stretch everyone including more experienced folk (we really do) and if you are very experienced/able, the “Advanced Pathway” in Week 2 might be for you - click here.
Will I see all tutors. Yes!
Can I attend on my own? Of course. The course is exceptionally welcoming and inclusive.
What happens in the evenings? We have our own Jazz Club and pretty much everyone will play every day in some format or other. On the last night we have a wonderful public concert as the culmination of the course.
I am vegan and my partner is a gluten-free pescatarian - please help! the catering team cater for vegetarians, vegans, gluten free and most dietary needs.
What is the residential accommodation like? Beautiful - see Location
Is there Wi-Fi Yes! Internet access is available - please bring your own device.
If you require further information, please contact the Sue at the summer school office